Live Clean. Experience Hope. Grow In Grace.
Welcome to Graciously Broken Ministries, Inc.! We are glad you are here and pray we can help in some way. Nothing gives us greater joy than seeing women find freedom from the pain and trauma of their past and the subsequent lies that permeate their false belief systems. Life can be messy, hard, and even devastating at times. Sometimes, we choose paths of destruction and heartache in some desperate attempt to find meaning, acceptance, and love. Or maybe we are trying to run from the pain of our past or present. Whatever the case may be, we have found that the only source of hope for freedom from any addiction, any hurt, or anything that causes us to feel trapped is Jesus. We know this to be true because we have experienced the Grace of Jesus first hand. We were graciously broken.
Do you ever wonder why we hit our bottom? Why everything is stripped away? Why we come to a crossroad and are maybe forced to choose life or death? We believe that it is God extending His grace in our life. God allows us to fall, to be broken, to be at our bottom and have nowhere to look but up to Him. Sometimes, for many of us, God's grace brings us to the point of complete brokenness in order to save our lives. But He doesn't leave us there if we choose to allow Him to pull us out. But we must surrender. The old hymn says, "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved." The grace that brings us to the point of brokenness is the same grace that lifts us up and sustains us. Crazy, huh? God is crazy about you and I! Romans 5:8 says, "but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." At the darkest place in our lives, Christ's love was revealed through the cross. God desires for all of us to depend completely on Him because He knows that we will only be truly satisfied in Him. Are you graciously broken? Are you at your bottom? If so, look up, there's hope for you! His name is Jesus!
Do you ever wonder why we hit our bottom? Why everything is stripped away? Why we come to a crossroad and are maybe forced to choose life or death? We believe that it is God extending His grace in our life. God allows us to fall, to be broken, to be at our bottom and have nowhere to look but up to Him. Sometimes, for many of us, God's grace brings us to the point of complete brokenness in order to save our lives. But He doesn't leave us there if we choose to allow Him to pull us out. But we must surrender. The old hymn says, "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved." The grace that brings us to the point of brokenness is the same grace that lifts us up and sustains us. Crazy, huh? God is crazy about you and I! Romans 5:8 says, "but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." At the darkest place in our lives, Christ's love was revealed through the cross. God desires for all of us to depend completely on Him because He knows that we will only be truly satisfied in Him. Are you graciously broken? Are you at your bottom? If so, look up, there's hope for you! His name is Jesus!